Genshin Impact · Cloud FAQ
Dec 27, 2023

Dear Travelers,

Below is the Genshin Impact · Cloud FAQ. We will answer Travelers' questions regarding download, installation, gaming experience, billing rules, etc. For more details, please read the following content:

▍Download & Installation Related Questions

Q: How can I download and install Genshin Impact · Cloud?

A: Travelers on mobile devices may visit the Google Play Store or App Store to download it. Travelers using a PC can click the link below to head to the official website to download the game.

★ The launch is available in Singapore and Malaysia. Please ensure your Google or Apple Account belongs to the above regions.

▍Gaming Experience Related Questions

Q: How different is the experience of playing Genshin Impact · Cloud from the standard Genshin Impact?

A: After installing Genshin Impact · Cloud, Travelers will not need to download Genshin Impact's full game package to experience the game. Your game progress in Genshin Impact · Cloud is shared across other platforms.

Q: Is the game progress in Genshin Impact · Cloud the same as that of Genshin Impact?

A: The game progress of Genshin Impact that Travelers experience through Genshin Impact · Cloud is shared across all platforms. Travelers can select Genshin Impact servers in the login interface. Genshin Impact game progress in Genshin Impact · Cloud will be saved normally.

Q: How do I exit Genshin Impact · Cloud?

A: Travelers can click the "Exit Game" button in the floating ball on the top-left corner of the screen to exit the game. Billing will cease after you exit the game.

Q: How do I switch between accounts?

A: After you exit the game through the "Exit Game" button in the floating ball on the top-left corner of the screen, you may click the "Log Out" button on the top-right corner in the screen to switch between accounts.

Q: How do I configure settings in Genshin Impact · Cloud?

A: Travelers on mobile devices may check the top-right corner of the screen after logging in to the Genshin Impact · Cloud App, and go to "User Center" > "Settings" to configure certain functions. Travelers on PC may click on "Settings" in the top-right corner of the screen to configure certain functions. While in the game, Travelers may click the floating ball and adjust settings regarding graphics quality, frame rate, network status display, etc.

Q: Why does the game feel laggy in Genshin Impact · Cloud?

A: Genshin Impact · Cloud gaming experiences are quite taxing on Travelers' networks. Travelers are advised to experience Genshin Impact · Cloud when the network is in a good condition, or try to manually switch the graphics quality to HD or standard definition via the floating ball in-game.

★ Genshin Impact · Cloud utilizes a vast amount of data. Travelers are advised to experience Genshin Impact · Cloud using Wi-Fi throughout their playtime.

Q: How do I set the Auto-Disconnect Duration?

A: When you do not perform any operations in the game for a period of time, billing in Genshin Impact · Cloud will stop and automatically disconnect. This can help you save on game time costs and reduce data consumption. You can adjust the auto-disconnect duration manually in Settings on PC.

Q: I sometimes get stuck in the loading screen and cannot enter the game. What should I do?

A: If this happens, click the "Exit Game" button in the floating ball on the top-left corner of the screen to exit the game, then try to log in again after ensuring that the network connection is stable.

▍Mobile Devices FAQ

Q: After leaving Genshin Impact · Cloud to run in the background for a period of time (e.g. switching it to the background to check messages in other apps), will the game be interrupted when I switch back to Genshin Impact · Cloud?

A: After being switched to the background for a relatively short period of time, Genshin Impact · Cloud may be automatically closed by the mobile system. You are therefore recommended to switch back to the game as soon as possible.

Q: Is the gyroscope function supported on Genshin Impact · Cloud?

A: The gyroscope function is supported in Genshin Impact · Cloud. Travelers may enable the gyroscope in the game settings to assist in aiming. Go to "Settings" > "Controls" > "Camera Acceleration Mode (Aimed Shot Mode)" and adjust to "Fixed Speed" to have a better experience.

▍Billing Related Questions

Q: What are the billing rules of Genshin Impact · Cloud?

A: Billing begins immediately when Travelers initiate the game in Genshin Impact · Cloud. The billing is based on the game time. Detailed billing rules are as follows:

★ Upon Travelers' first login, you may obtain a 5-hour Free Trial. Also, you may claim a 15-minute Free Trial by logging in daily (refreshes at 04:00 UTC+0 daily). The upper limit of Free Trial is 600 minutes. You will be unable to accumulate any more Free Trial once this limit is reached.

★ The billing standard is 10 Cloud Coins per minute. Travelers may enter the purchase page through clicking the Top-Up button in the Information Menu or the floating ball to purchase Cloud Coins.

★ If there's remaining Free Trial time or an active Cloud Pass in your account, then bills will be deducted in the order of Cloud Pass > Free Trial > Cloud Coins.

Q: What is a Cloud Pass?

A: After activating a Cloud Pass, you'll be able to play the game without using any Cloud Coins or Free Trial time while your Cloud Pass is active. If there is no active Cloud Pass in your account at the moment, after purchasing a Cloud Pass you'll be able to enjoy unlimited playing time until 24:00 (UTC+0) that day, and then the active time of the Cloud Pass will be calculated from 00:00 (UTC+0) the next day.

★ The total active duration will be renewed only when the remaining active time of the current Cloud Pass is less than 180 days. Travelers cannot purchase more if the remaining active duration of the current Cloud Pass is more than or equal to 180 days.

However, in the event of special cases that result in repeated purchases, the total active duration will not be accumulated and Cloud Coins of equivalent value will be issued by the system after successful payment (conversion rate of 300 Cloud Coins/day).

For example: Traveler A's current Cloud Pass still has 180 days of remaining active time left. Due to special circumstances, this Traveler purchases a 30-day Cloud Pass. Their total Cloud Pass active duration will still be 180 days, but the system will issue them with 9,000 Cloud Coins in return.


Travelers can contact Customer Service for any problems encountered. We will do our best to solve the problems as soon as possible. Feedback entrance: "My Account" in the top-right corner of the App's main interface (second icon) > "Send Feedback" > "Feedback"

We thank Travelers for their attention and support of Genshin Impact · Cloud, and we will continue to work to make the game a better experience for Travelers.